On our inpatient services, community attendings, faculty, and residents give regular seminars intended to cover common issues in labor management, adult inpatient medicine, and inpatient pediatrics. These seminars are conducted in different meeting rooms throughout the hospital most days of the week. They are attended by residents on those services.
At the residency program, occasional noon seminars cover outpatient pediatrics and behavioral health. Monthly noon-time meetings include resident and resident-faculty meetings, to help promote open communication within the program. All available residents are encouraged to attend. However, most lunch hours are open for meals, a bit of time outside, or short errands (patient care permitting).
Every Thursday afternoon, one residency class is excused from clinical care and attends one of our academic half-days (“Theme Day”), where a related cluster of clinical topics is discussed in a case-based format. Each academic half-day is presented by a “teaching team” of three to four faculty members, with strong audience participation and discussion. The time allotted to each topic reflects the fraction of time that topic fills a typical family physician’s practice, and the focus of the day is strongly on outpatient presentations and management.
An Academic Half-Day Schedule for one month might look like this:
An Academic Half-Day Schedule for one month might look like this:
Thursday of Month | Resident Class | Theme | Content |
First | R1 | Well care for adults | The adult physical, Gyn exam, Evidence-based screening |
Second | R1 and R2 | Well care for kids | Well child exam, Preventive counselling, Normal development |
Third | R3 | Neuromuscular disease | Stroke, Headache, Myopathies, Neuropathies |
Fourth | R2 | Dyspnea and cough | Asthma, COPD, Cough and cold meds, Inhalers |