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Teresa Ngo, DO

Teresa Ngo, DO

Pronouns: She/her
Hometown: Orange County, CA
Medical School: Western University

I was born and raised in Orange County California, a diasporic child of a Vietnamese immigrant family, members of whom I adore with all my heart, especially my peculiar older brother and my inimitable younger sister. I am an avid lover of the written word, and by extension, stories that help me connect with and understand the world, physically and psychologically. I travelled and taught language abroad to all ages after graduating from University of California Irvine with a degree in English Literature, peppering my time as an expatriate with trips to any countries I haven’t been. I love being challenged and using any opportunity I can towards self-improvement. I hike, I consume fiction, I space-out, I watch dog-videos, I sing and dance (badly, among other things), and I always try to make time for friends and family, because they are sources of strength for me.

I know I’ve found my calling in becoming a physician because this is where I feel the most satisfaction in my personal life and as a contributing member of the community. I’m so grateful that the medical journey I’ve been traveling has led me through the COMP DO program at Western University of Health Sciences to bring me here to Valley Family Medicine.