Katherine Uvelli, MD

I lived in the UK for the last seven years and am delighted to now be back home in the Pacific Northwest. As an undergraduate, I studied French Literature at Cornell and the University of Montpellier, France then attended Imperial College London Medical School. I have always loved travel, other cultures, and people. After Cornell, I traveled around Brazil and Cambodia, and spent time working in a hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A more worldly perspective helped me to understand the value of primary care and the challenges of serving the health of a population.
I hope to bring the strengths I’ve learned working as a doctor in England and integrate it with the best of US medicine. I love Family Medicine for this reason, and because it gives me a chance to connect long-term with patients. I have a special interest in sports medicine and wish to help patients pursue their goals of getting or maintaining an active lifestyle. I believe in the importance of preventative care and inviting patients to take an active part in their health.
After graduating from VFM in 2016, I will be going into practice and spending more time with my family!